METEO VISION, your weather reference down to the km²
Meteo Vision is the ideal solution to let you access high spatial and temporal resolution data from weather observations and forecasts for the area of your choice in France and in Europe.
With Meteo Vision, you’ll have a complete overview of the weather on your land. You’ll have over 40 weather parameters to support your strategic and operational decisions.

Predict risks for your crops

Accurately monitor your farming season

Supply your models with reliable and consistent data down to the km²

High-resolution weather data thanks to Meteo Vision
Meteo Vision gives you access to 2 types of weather data in France and in Europe:
- Spatialized weather observation data with a resolution down to the km²
- Weather forecast data for the next 15 days
Over 40 weather parameters available down to the km², hour by hour
With Weather Vision, you’ll have access to an accurate and reliable history of weather data for every km² of your land.
Use this high-quality weather data to supply your Decision Support Tools, compare seasons, gain a closer understanding of your land, make better-informed decisions and improve your agronomic performances.
You’ll have access to a complete database for monitoring the weather on your land.
10m Wind speed
2m Wind speed
10m Wind Direction
Potential evapotranspiration (PET)
Overall surface radiation
Cloud cover
Vapor pressure deficit (VPD)
Unique technology for weather and agronomic data
The observation data you’ll have access to with Weenat are the result of unique technology developed by teams at Weenat.
Based on a network of reference surface stations (Weenat sensors and stations at national meteorological bodies), remote sensing and national weather reference models, we developed a geospatialization algorithm able to provide meteorological information down to the km², hour by hour over the whole of a farm’s land.
Our spatial data is validated by France’s leading technical institutes: CTIFL, Arvalis, IFV, etc. (tests from soil comparisons performed with weather stations over 1 year)
Consistent data over time over the whole of your land
Europe: 1x1km
Worldwide: squares from 10x10km to 25x25km
5 doctors and 20 engineers passionate about weather and agriculture.
Characteristics of our weather forecast data
For forecasts, Meteo Vision uses data from reference weather models in Europe and Worldwide.

ICON (DWD – German model)
GFS (US model)

ICON (DWD – German model)
ICON EU (DWD – German model)
GFS (US model)

AROME (Météo France)
ICON (DWD – German model)
ICON EU (DWD – German model)
GFS (US model)
This combination of weather models was chosen for their reliability in each area.
Our teams continually assess these different models to guarantee reliable 15-day weather forecasts.
4 tools for accessing Meteo Vision
Meteo Vision gives you a close understanding of the variability of weather conditions over a farm’s land and a crop season. Weenat developed 4 tools to make its data accessible to everyone in the agricultural sector.

The Mobile App
The Weenat app is the best agro-weather app for giving farmers and everyone who advises them a 360° view of their organization. Unlimited access to measurements from connected sensors and over 30 features to manage your plots day to day.

The Weather API
A reliable, high-performance API to supply your Decision Support Tools and your agronomic models in real time. Large amounts of weather and agronomic data on demand.

Agro-Weather Mapping
The perfect tool for visualizing agro-climate variability on your land and accurately monitoring changes in weather and agronomic phenomena during the season and after.

Custom Studies
Custom studies combine a wide range of solutions to give you a deeper understanding and familiarity with your land across different time scales: meteorological zoning, climate profiling, risk analysis, Agro-climate Projections to 2030-2040, and more
What tool is best for you?
Our sales team is at your service. Get personalised advice within 48 hours.
Frequently asked questions
What is the technology behind Meteo Vision?
To provide you with accurate and reliable weather data, Weenat teams developed a geospatialization algorithm able to provide meteorological information down to the km², hour by hour over the whole of a farm’s land.
How accurate is Meteo Vision data?
Experiments carried out by various technical institutes in France (Arvalis, IFV, CTIFL, etc.) on dozens of plots show very small differences between Meteo Vision data and the institutes’ reference data.
How can I access Meteo Vision data?
Whether for observations or forecasts, there are several ways to access Meteo Vision data. Here are the main ones:
- On the Weenat app
- Through the API
- Via mapping or custom studies
Which countries is Meteo Vision available in?
Meteo Visionis currently available in 8 European countries: France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.
Our teams are currently working to make this weather data down to the km² accessible throughout Europe.
How many times a day are the observations and forecasts provided by Meteo Vision updated?
Meteo Vision’s hourly observation data is updated 4 times per day in phases: 0100-0600 to 0845, 0700-1200 to 1445, 1300-1800 to 2045 and 1900-0000 to 0400.
As for weather forecast data, we chose to refresh the forecasts only twice per day (at midnight and midday). Intermediary updates (at 0600 and 1800) happen using a number of less reliable on-the-ground observations by national meteorological bodies. Consequently, these updates are less robust and stable.